If you are having problems with your email, one common diagnostic aid is a complete list of the message's headers. Headers show the path a message took to get from the sender to the recipient. The IT Service Desk or other technical support may ask you to provide a message's headers.

Outlook mac app not showing green status in email header 2017

View Full Headers in Outlook 2016 for Mac If you are having problems with your email, one common diagnostic aid is a complete list of the message's headers. Headers show the path a message took to get from the sender to the recipient. Aug 05, 2011  You probably already know the closed envelope, the open envelop, marked as forwarded, marked as replied and if you are in an Exchange organization the Out of Office icon probably looks familiar as well but do you know the rest? See the full overview of Outlook icons!

  1. Right-click (or ctrl-click) the message in your Inbox or other folder (do not open the message).
  2. From the menu that appears, select View Source.

Your text editor (typically an application called TextEdit) will open, displaying all the headers for the message, followed by the message body.

Outlook Mac App Not Showing Green Status In Email Header 2016

Outlook Mac App Not Showing Green Status In Email Header

If you need to copy the headers (to paste somewhere else),

Outlook Mac App Not Showing Green Status In Email Header Page

  1. Drag over the text from the beginning of the text to the beginning of the body of the message.
  2. Press command-c on your keyboard; this copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
  3. Then, with an email message or other document open, press command-v to paste the header text into that document.